Friday, February 10, 2012

Now we know why those little guys said "Hi Ho, Hi Ho"

The Parasite is all over books. This gives me great joy because I'm a pretty big fan of the literary arts m'self. We're currently working on a Hatful of Seuss, but she keeps asking "Horton Who" and who am I to deny such a specific request? Though now that I'm reading it with adult eyes, I'm not sure "Horton Hears a Who" isn't a soupcon of pro-life propaganda mixed up in my child's reading list. "A person is a person. No matter how small." Hmmm...

Last night she grabbed a book from her Disney collection, hopped up on the couch, and started "reading" it herself. Which is to say she repeated the words she remembered from hearing the story and followed along with the pictures. Right now you're thinking she's showing such remarkable understanding of plot points at such a young age, aren't you? Not so fast! Everything was going fine until she got to the part where "Snow White went to a cottage with the Seven Whores." Oh, my. THAT plot just took a turn for the bowchickabowow.

In other news, The Husband eventually came home, I called him an inconsiderate asshole, he apologized and all is right with the world. And he now has a phone again so I can track his every movement using the built-in GPS locating tools. KIDDING!


Unknown said...

LMAO, that is hilarious!! I bet you about swallowed your tongue when your little angel came up with that one. LOLOLOL. Glad to hear your man found his way home. Just about time too. :D Great post. I love visiting and getting a glimpse into your life.


Q said...

Wow. That title sounds like a cocaine dealer who lives with seven hookers. LOL! Kids crack me up.

Playoutsidegal said...

i can picture it now... snow white and the seven whores - lesbian porn. lol!

Bibliomama said...

AWESOME! Someone tweeted the other day that her daughter read "they had flowers in their buttholes... BUTTON HOLES, BUTTON HOLES!". And that was the end of reading in their house that day.