Saturday, November 26, 2011

Winter Magic!

There are a lot of drawbacks to raising a family in a big city like smaller houses unless you've got a gagillion dollars to spend, fierce competition for daycare and activity spaces and a general lack of wide open spaces. But there are a lot of pluses too, like a heavy concentration of activities for little people. For example, today the city hosted Winter Magic, a kid's carnival with rides and character visits and a stage show. It was right downtown so when we were done with the carnival we went through the Eaton Centre to see the Swarovski Christmas Tree and Giant Reindeer display.

It took a while, but I figured out why they call it Winter Magic. Though I'm not much of a Christmas person, I find the lights and colours of the season fascinating. This year, The Parasite is old enough to catch a bit of the spirit too. It's one thing to take in the sights on your own, but it's an entirely different, wonderful thing to see the sights through the wondrous expressions on the face of the person you love the most.

That she makes a funny face every time I try to capture it on film is just part of the charm.


Catherine said...

It is great that you are enjoying the wonder of the season through the heart and eyes of your little one. Blessings, Catherine

Bibliomama said...

It's so true - getting to experience things again for the first time is one of the best things about having kids. That and getting to go to Pixar movies without looking creepy and weird. :)

Teena in Toronto said...

I love that tree!

Playoutsidegal said...

OMG that photo's priceless! Love your little parasite! : )